Contractors planning to work on pre-1978 homes must assume that Lead-based paint
is present in the scope of the work area until the project is tested for.
Having your future project tested for lead-based paint will enable you to bid and budget
properly for Lead safe work practices (or not if no lead-based paint is present).
Violations of the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule and the State Lead
hazard containment regulation can end up costing up to double of $37,500 per day!
Employees are entitled to a Lead-safe working environment under Cal OSHA.
ANY level of Lead triggers compliance.
Hazardous waste and wastewater regulation require proper characterization and disposal
of created exterior wash water or construction debris.
How Can The Lead Detective Agency Help you?
The Lead Detective agency can easily help you be in compliance and still be
competitive. Having a Lead Inspection done may show that there is NO LEAD based
paint present or identifies where the Lead is located. If there is NO LEAD based paint
then that means no RRP, and you have a Certified Report stating so. If Lead is found, in
most cases it’s only in a couple small locations such as an Exterior Door and you have
to treat only those locations as hazardous instead of the entire project. Results from an
State certified Lead Inspector give peace of mind to both you and the homeowner. If you
have any questions about the laws regarding Lead, feel free to call The Lead Detective
Agency at (916) 481-7432 and we will be happy to share our knowledge.
Lead-Based Paint Inspections
As defined by EPA/HUD, a room by room inspection and testing of all
component types (doors, windows, walls)
A typical inspection tests over 150 locations to achieve a comprehensive
inventory of what has Lead-based paint.
Lead Testing
Limited scope of interest testing, focus on a specific room or component
type for particular projects i.e. window replacement, bath remodel, exterior paint etc..
Risk Assessment
While an inspection identifies where Lead-based paint is located, it does
not answer if there is a possible health concern.
However, as a stand alone, it identifies only problematic Lead-based paint, contaminated dust and soil.
Clearance Testing
The job is done, but does the Lead contamination linger?
Dust and/or soil sampling are compared to EPA/State Lead safe levels.
Soil Sampling
Soil Testing allows us to determine the degree of Lead in your
environment. Lead in soil is commonly found around the drip line of
deteriorating paint. The EPA has maximum allowable amounts based
upon children's activities. We also find it in regions of fuel use and
industrial storage.
Air Monitoring
Are workers exposed to unsafe air born lead levels?
Annual monitoring/ job monitoring is required under OSHA regulations for
Lead-Based Paint Project Supervision
The Lead Detective Agency is licensed to Supervise your lead paint project compliance issues from set up through clean up.
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